Turning Pages, Starting New Stages

It's such an uncanny feeling, isn't it? I say, as the calendar sheds its last page, flipping to the next with the year stepped up. The first unsettling thought I get is that I'm a year closer to death. But as I change my dark lens of how I view the world, how I view life, I also realize that I'm a year closer to everything I wanted. The past year feels like a distant memory, a faded photograph of a girl juggling deadlines and dreams. I was a procrastinator, I got used to cramming, yet somehow, I always managed to turn in my requirements on time. I was proud, yes, but exhausted too. It's funny, how we all want to restart a year over and over. But let's take a look at what good it gives us. The experiences I had this year and the past few ones literally shaped me to who I am right now. And it makes me smile at the thought of being able to change again this year, to improve and to remove. 

This year, I am writing a new story. I want to set aside the chaos of last-minute efforts and embrace the quiet discipline of preparation. No more rushing, no more “I’ll do it tomorrow.” I want to be someone who walks with purpose, not someone who runs to catch up. 

I also want to change the way I see the world. Last year, I wore dark lenses, focusing too much on what was wrong. This year, I choose to see the light. I want to be kinder to myself and others, to love my parents more openly, to hold gratitude close like a cherished friend.

I want to strive—not just for achievements, but for growth. I want to become a woman who thinks before she speaks, who acts with intention, who dreams without fear.

This is my year to rewrite the story, not just of what I do, but of who I am. The pen is in my hand, and the pages await.

Goodmindandbody. (2024, December 3). 100 Most Popular New Year’s Resolutions for 2025. Good                 Mind and Body. https://goodmindandbody.com/100-most-popular-new-years-resolutions-for-                2025/

Pamela Pascual, & Pamela Pascual. (2024, December 23). Paskong Pinoy: What makes New year in the Philippines truly unique. Daily Tribune. https://tribune.net.ph/2024/12/23/paskong-pinoy-what-makes-christmas-in-the-philippines-truly-unique


  1. i hope this year is your year! be happy always and don't mind yung mga negative


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